About Vet-Agro

VET-AGRO is a Polish manufacturer of veterinary medicines

and animal care products

Vet-Agro Sp. z o.o. was created in 1989 in Lublin with an objective to produce the highest quality veterinary medicinal products.

Taking as its creed “With human kindness towards animals”, we have been caring the welfare of companion and farm animals for more than 35 years. Our mission is to care for the health of animals but also for the entire ecosystem and the environment, which is reflected by the implementation of new, pro-ecology solutions and technologies. Our state-of-the-art production facility, five parallel production lines, in-house R&D laboratories and qualified team contribute to our successful marketing of new medicines. We currently offer more than 60 veterinary medicinal products, which are available in more than 30 foreign markets.




Formation of the Company


Registration of the first medicine - Mastisan


Starting a new
medicines factory


Starting a water cascade autoclave for final sterilisation of injection solutions


Creation of R&D Laboratory


Expansion of machinery stock for the production of blister forms

World-class manufacturing standard

We have a modern, functional factory of world-class standard plus our own research and development laboratory. The products are manufactured under conditions that meet Good Manufacturing Practice requirements, by using advanced technological processes, controlled by cutting-edge control and measurement equipment.

The technological potential also enables contract manufacturing.


Pharmaceutical forms developed at VET-AGRO

solutions and suspensions for injections

intramammary and intrauterine suspensions

oral solutions

ear drops

spot-on drops

gels and creams

Experts in the veterinary sector

With more than 35 years of experience, the expertise of our employees and the use of the latest research and scientific developments, we are successfully expanding our portfolio with new preparations.

We continuously develop new medicine forms and improve the quality of our existing veterinary products. The individual stages of production, from prototyping to sales to the final customer, are carried out by collaborating teams. A specialised staff enables rapid response to changes in the market environment and ensures continuous attention to regulatory aspects.


Environmental thinking

We are implementing green solutions out of concern for the environment.

One example of such measures is the commissioning of one of the largest photovoltaic systems in the region. The panels, with a total capacity of almost half a megawatt, correspond to the energy demand of the entire plant. Appropriate seasonal scheduling of generation, carried out in campaign mode, makes it possible to realise the production process on the basis of green energy.